
Prayer Cloths

Saturday, October 10, 2009
I should like to ask His Excellency, how can one obtain cloths that have been dipped in water from the Nanteos Cup? I should also wish to ask His Excellency to offer some prayers on behalf of my aunt, Margaret, who is undergoing a shoulder-replacement surgery this coming Wednesday. I thank His Excellency for his time and consideration. In Christ, Theodore.

Our prayers for your special intention are given. To receive a prayer cloth that has been immersed in water in the Nanteos Cup, please contact me privately. 
I agreed to contribute to a Channel Four British television programme about the Holy Grail in February 1997, and a documentary film for America’s NBC Channel in early 1998 where I was filmed at Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset. These transmissions included the Nanteos Cup, the remnant of a wooden bowl thought by some to be the Holy Grail. Though I am uncertain about the origin of this vessel and entertain considerable doubt about it being the Sacred Cup used by Our Lord at the Last Supper, I nevertheless became acquainted with a Protestant minister who has access to the Nanteos Cup for the purpose of immersing prayer cloths in holy water and chrism in the gnarled bowl to facilitate healing. Provided the source is Divine, who am I to question the means by which folk benefit spiritually? The location of the Nanteos Cup remains to this days undisclosed; though that other minister and I are privileged to share this information.
Divine healing via prayer cloths:

St Paul was stranded on the island of Melita (Malta). Unable to travel, God revealed to him the ministry of blessed cloths. The blessed prayer cloth is a point of contact, but the healing power derives from the risen Lord. In 1997 the Nanteos Cup was revealed to British television viewers and in 1998 to an American television audience despite the precise location of the Nanteos Cup always being guarded. Prayer cloths anointed with chrism and immersed in water poured into the Nanteos Cup, an olive wood bowl thought by some to be the vessel used by Our Lord at the Last Supper, was demonstrated. At Glastonbury Abbey for the American documentary I provided the genesis of the Holy Grail from Palestine to England, and, in the other film, spoke from my private chapel about the supernatural healing properties attributed to the Sacred Cup of the Last Supper.
Divine healing should not be confused with “faith healing” or “spiritual healing.” Divine healing is the effect of the Holy Spirit upon our natural beings. When the sick, suffering and demon possessed touched Our Lord, virtue went out of Him ~ the power of the Holy Spirit flowed from the Saviour. Divine healing can be experienced through the following means:
The laying on of hands in His name.

Anointing with chrism.

The prayer of Faith.

Fasting and prayer.

Anointed cloths.

Gifts of healing.

The Eucharist..



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David at: March 8, 2020 at 5:26 PM said...

How do I receive a prayer cloth that was actually touch out of the lords cup?

Sofia N. at: August 8, 2020 at 10:42 AM said...

The cup has been stolen and no prayer cloths can be made any more.I wonted one too

Unknown at: May 12, 2021 at 4:06 PM said...

The cup was returned

tufntiny1 at: June 15, 2021 at 5:38 PM said...

How do I get a prayer cloth from the cup?

Unknown at: November 9, 2021 at 11:05 AM said...

How can I get a prayer cloth I need the Lord's healing

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