
Bettina's Blog ::: 5th Blogiversary!

Monday, January 31, 2011 0 comments
Guest post by Bettina Perroni

I present my blog. The best blog in the world lol (for me):::

The blog is old. As of January 10 five years on the Web. Its content has been a source of inspiration for some criticism for others. Millions are unaware of its existence but it does have thousands of visitors who have become loyal readers.

All that the author-or I - ever wanted to do was to make this space a personal diary. "Genesis: Origin of my thoughts" rather than a recapitulation of experiences, is the cave where Bettina Perroni has released all these thoughts. Some truths have leaned between the lines, but there are pitfalls when writing.

Why Genesis?, Simply because I believe in the existence of an end ... even in the "happy endings." My belief is based on the constant changes that occur the birth of new stages, new experiences. In short, I born in a different way to the reality in each of my writings. I like to approach life objectively, directly ... but just to watch me pleasure myself from a different perspective, challenging the destination to see when you make a mistake.

I am author, actor and observer of my own decisions and I critique, and judge my own actions.

This blog has allowed me to survive, get over, my fear of flying.
Here I am in love, I am disappointed and I have prospered. Sure, let me get close to people that I can not physically see and be where I can not.

You see, you have me here ... and now

you and me.

Surreal but possible;)

So I LOVE MY BLOG and I look forward to the day when this space very soon will wake up with a new look (as new as mine). How many times I needed this blog ...

Maybe you also need a blog.

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Charlie Sheen to undergo rehab in his own house

"Two and a Half Men" actor Charlie Sheen will now undergo rehab due to his addiction issue. Charlie Sheen was hospitalized about 4 days ago due to hiatal hernia will now go in-house rehab without leaving his house.

Charlie Sheen's rep told US magazine, "He's getting treatment done at home," and at TMZ "He's doing rehab there."

Further, the actor's rep added in a statement,

"In compliance with the national health privacy laws (HIPPA), no further information relating to Charlie Sheen's health or his rehab experience will be released without his written permission,"

"I can say that all of us who know Charlie care about him very much. We will support him in any we can in this journey, beginning by respecting his privacy."
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Charlie Sheen to undergo rehab in his own house

"Two and a Half Men" actor Charlie Sheen will now undergo rehab due to his addiction issue. Charlie Sheen was hospitalized about 4 days ago due to hiatal hernia will now go in-house rehab without leaving his house.

Charlie Sheen's rep told US magazine, "He's getting treatment done at home," and at TMZ "He's doing rehab there."

Further, the actor's rep added in a statement,

"In compliance with the national health privacy laws (HIPPA), no further information relating to Charlie Sheen's health or his rehab experience will be released without his written permission,"

"I can say that all of us who know Charlie care about him very much. We will support him in any we can in this journey, beginning by respecting his privacy."
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KPK Bergerak - Stop Korupsi dan Suap di Indonesia

KPK Bergerak - Stop Korupsi dan Suap di Indonesia
KPK Bergerak - Stop Korupsi dan Suap di Indonesia. Setelah cukup lama dianggap loyo, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) bertekad menuntaskan semua kasus tindak pidana korupsi termasuk kasus-kasus besar.

Seperti Bank Century, kasus cek perjalanan terkait dugaan suap pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia maupun kasus mafia pajak dan hukum terkait Gayus Tambunan. “Saya tidak mau bebani tugas KPK yang akan datang. Kami sepakat, kasus lama dan kasus baru akan diusahakan selesai,” kata Ketua KPK Busyro Muqoddas.

Harus diingat, kemungkinan ada serangan balik dari para pelaku Korupsi dan Suap di Indonesia yang sudah begitu kuat. Namun KPK tak perlu takut dengan tekanan politik yang hendak menghentikan langkahnya memberantas korupsi. “KPK harus menegaskan, tidak akan ada zona aman bagi siapa pun di negeri ini yang terbukti melakukan korupsi,” kata Rektor Universitas Paramadina Anies Baswedan.

Para politikus di DPR yang makin buruk citranya itu, semestinya mendukung KPK dalam menuntaskan kasus dugaan suap pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia, Century dan mafia pajak. Berbagai kalangan melihat,saat ini KPK dalam posisi yang cukup berat. KPK selalu dirintangi politisi korup yang tidak ingin kepentingan mereka diganggu gugat.

Wakil Koordinator Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Emerson Yuntho mensinyalir akan ada gerakan serangan balik yang dilakukan politisi di DPR terkait dengan penahanan 19 kader parpol, Century dan mafia pajak.

Ada sejumlah strategi yang dirancang politisi di DPR untuk tujuan mencoreng kredibilitas KPK. Salah satunya mereka akan mempersoalkan deponeering Bibit-Chandra untuk melemahkan legitimasi KPK. ICW mendesak agar aksi serangan balik kepada KPK terus dilawan dan diwaspadai.

“Jangan sampai KPK dilemahkan,” kata Emerson. Selain mempersoalkan deponeering Bibit-Chandra, politisi Senayan itu berpotensi melakukan langkah memangkas anggaran KPK sehingga lembaga ini memiliki sumber dana yang terbatas. Selain itu, kewenangan KPK memberantas korupsi akan dikurangi sebatas pencegahan dan penyelidikan saja.

KPK berjanji akan mengungkap kasus dugaan penyuapan dalam pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia 2004-2009 Miranda Goeltom sampai tuntas. Wakil Ketua KPK bidang Pencegahan Haryono Umar mengatakan, KPK tidak akan berhenti pada penangkapan pihak-pihak yang diduga menerima suap, tapi juga mengungkap siapa penyuapnya.

Pekan lalu, Jumat (28/1/2011), KPK menahan 19 politisi, termasuk Paskah Suzetta dari Partai Golkar dan Panda Nababan dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan. Mereka adalah 2 dari 26 tersangka perkara suap dengan pemberian cek perjalanan terkait pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia 2004 yang dimenangi Miranda S Goeltom.

Mantan Wapres M Jusuf Kalla mendesak agar KPK mengungkap dan menangkap siapa penyuap para politisi di DPR tersebut. Gebrakan KPK untuk kasus ini, diharapkan berlanjut ke kasus Century dan mafia pajak agar KPK tak tebang pilih dan menegakkan rasa keadilan guna memulihkan kredibilitasnya, serta mampu men-Stop Korupsi dan Suap di Indonesia.
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Can your local TV news staff do this?

I watched it on the telly over the weekend. I wonder if John McLoughlin tendering his resignation over at WTEN led to WNYT's desire to spread the video below?
WTEN announces McLoughlin's replacement: a cub reporter!
What videos could WTEN respond with? Demetria Ganias covering any Nicki Minaj tune? How about John McL himself answering the call with his own rendition of This little number!

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Top Entrecard droppers January 2011

Here they are.

The folks who dropped most on this humble weblog.

But far more importantly, there was a single blog that I purchased adverts on that totally outperformed all of the other ec blogs my widget appeared on! Not only did I get "hits' ::: I got HIGH-QUALITY traffic! People who actually STAYED for awhile to read my articles!
That blog belongs to Kimm!

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Monday Morning Message

Friends, here we are, smack dab in the middle of wintertime! The last day of January begins our new workweek, and we'll be into the short month of February by the time it's all done Friday at 5pm!

I have a busy week ahead: the radio station fund drive take splace all week. On Tuesday we have Governor Andrew Cuomo out with his budget proposal. Wednesday meteorologists peg as the day of the next Northeast snowstorm, and we're not certain of its track. Will New York City get dumped on again? Will the storm reach the Capital Region and Saratoga? Stay tuned!

I've been awfully busy over the last several days, a trend I expect to continue. You must excuse my lack of more frequent posting for the time being. And know that the release of the 12 Hottest Blogging Babes for the year 2011 is coming soon.

Looking over the weekend Times Union I find Albany news doesn't seem to change very much. The local landfill is still running out of space. The newspaper continues to chase down any dirt regarding NXIVM and its founder Keith Raniere.

A national story that caught my eye was one about a rich woman who went wacko and killed her teenagers! Kids can indeed be "mouthy" but in this case mom blew her top! The NY Daily Nx has details and pictures from Facebook.

Last week's most interesting picture was that Reuters photo of lightning striking Mt. Shimone as the Japanese volcano erupted.

Imagine seeing TWO suns in the sky!*** The TU on page A8 (Sunday) may have the answer to why the Mayan calendar ends at the year 2012: the imminent explosion of Betelgeuse!

I had some issues with Saki Tumi's laptop, and let me tell you, what a difference a good disk cleaning program can make!

Wishing you a good week - I'll post when I can, and of course you can always find me on twitter!
*** From WikiPedia ::: The creation of the Crab Nebula corresponds to the bright SN 1054 supernova that was recorded by Chinese astronomers and Arab astronomers in 1054 AD. The Crab Nebula itself was first observed in 1731 by John Bevis. The nebula was independently rediscovered in 1758 by Charles Messier as he was observing a bright comet. Messier catalogued it as the first entry in his catalogue of comet-like objects. The Earl of Rosse observed the nebula at Birr Castle in the 1840s, and referred to the object as the Crab Nebula because a drawing he made of it looked like a crab.
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Nick Minaj SNL

Sunday, January 30, 2011 0 comments
Nicki Minaj worked overtime on the episode, joining the creeps of 'The Creep'  a.k.a. The Lonely Island (Andy Samberg with longtime comedy partners Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer) as will be announced at 'Saturday Night Live' this week,

Minaj's part "Get your knees flexin' and your arms T-Rexin'" was a fine rhyme, but it was the Grammy nominee's adorable blond bookworm look, not to mention her skill at balancing nerdy sweetness and total ickiness that put the latest 'SNL' digital short over the top.

Nick Minaj told fans later she had a great time working with "incredible" people on set, and even tweeted the name of her 'Creep' character.

Nick Minaj later tweeted from her Twitter account how she enjoyed her SNL appearance.

SNL just gave me yet another #moment4life | S/O to the entire staff 4 being INCREDIBLE ; and Thank you all for tuning in! xoxo
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Nick Minaj SNL

Nicki Minaj worked overtime on the episode, joining the creeps of 'The Creep'  a.k.a. The Lonely Island (Andy Samberg with longtime comedy partners Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer) as will be announced at 'Saturday Night Live' this week,

Minaj's part "Get your knees flexin' and your arms T-Rexin'" was a fine rhyme, but it was the Grammy nominee's adorable blond bookworm look, not to mention her skill at balancing nerdy sweetness and total ickiness that put the latest 'SNL' digital short over the top.

Nick Minaj told fans later she had a great time working with "incredible" people on set, and even tweeted the name of her 'Creep' character.

Nick Minaj later tweeted from her Twitter account how she enjoyed her SNL appearance.

SNL just gave me yet another #moment4life | S/O to the entire staff 4 being INCREDIBLE ; and Thank you all for tuning in! xoxo
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Around The Blogosphere 30 January 2011


Entrecard Experiencing Technical Difficulties

The popular hybrid advertising/social blogger's network is having a "dashboard" dilemma: Droppers can't reciprocate the way they are accustomed to! "Serious error: We have a bug in our software..." read »

Brazil: Exclusive Internet Interview with the Founder of WikiLeaks

Read this post.
Brazilian netizens were invited to participate in an exclusive and collective interview with Julian Assange, founder and editor of the polemical WikiLeaks. Assange explains why he works with mainstream media – though he never fails to criticize it. Egypt: Hosni Mubarak Appoints Vice-president (Politics)
A. Fatih Syuhud - In other countries vice-president appointment might not be a news at all. Not in Egypt. Since, Husni Mubarak have not appointed any VP during his 30-year rule.

Egypt: Solidarity Pours in from Around the World

Read this post.
On Saturday, in different cities around the world, people demonstrated in solidarity with the Egyptian protesters. This is a round up of some of the videos of the marches posted!
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Entrecard Error?

Hmmm... Entrecard is not working today. If you can't do your reciprocal dropping, here's a new program you can join and get started in while waiting for EC to come back up.

So, you're not dropping 300 (or 600 or 900) today?

Have you joined AFFILIATE LIGHTS?

Click here to sign up for FREE right now!

Additionally ::: Blog Engage is now offering free submission to Blog Serp a sister site of blog engage. The products page for blog engage has been updated, and so far their affiliate program already has 4 sales for their members and that's only the start of this money train.

So if you can't be droppin' get HOPPIN' on board the Affiliate Lights money train!

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America's Next Top Model : Ann Ward

Saturday, January 29, 2011 0 comments
Ann Ward won America´s Next Top Model, as many expected.

Ann ward

The very tall girl with a height of 6'2" who had five best photos in a row for the first time in all of 15 seasons. The same girl that struggled with her personality and awkwardness, who was facing a savvy Chelsea as a contender.

But the thing is, this whole season had no surprises whatsoever. Ever since episode 1, ever since promos, America's Next Top Model winner we all knew Ann would get the title.

Anne Ward's Bio

Age: 19
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Height: 6’2”
Occupation: Student
Favorite Designer: Betsey Johnson
Favorite Shoe: flats
Must-Have Photo Shoot Accessory: eyeliner
Would Never Wear: holiday sweaters
If Trapped On An Island, Would Bring: satellite phone
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America's Next Top Model : Ann Ward

Ann Ward won America´s Next Top Model, as many expected.

Ann ward

The very tall girl with a height of 6'2" who had five best photos in a row for the first time in all of 15 seasons. The same girl that struggled with her personality and awkwardness, who was facing a savvy Chelsea as a contender.

But the thing is, this whole season had no surprises whatsoever. Ever since episode 1, ever since promos, America's Next Top Model winner we all knew Ann would get the title.

Anne Ward's Bio

Age: 19
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Height: 6’2”
Occupation: Student
Favorite Designer: Betsey Johnson
Favorite Shoe: flats
Must-Have Photo Shoot Accessory: eyeliner
Would Never Wear: holiday sweaters
If Trapped On An Island, Would Bring: satellite phone
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Juliani Cardenas kidnapped boy

Car involved in Juliani Cardenas kidnapping found The car was found with sonar Friday morning.

Kidnapped - The Complete Series
Juliani Cardenas, a Hispanic 4 years old boy, 3 ’6 “, 40 pounds boy with brown eyes and black hair was kidnapped allegedly by Jose Esteban Rodriguez, a Hispanic male, 27 years old, 5 “9″, 180 pounds with brown eyes and black hair. He was last seen wearing a checkered white and black shorts and a cap.

Suspect's vehicle is a silver Toyota Corolla with California tag number 6HBW445. It has added aluminum wheels oversize.

The abduction and subsequent search are now the subject of national media attention. Friday evening Tabitha appeared on “The Nancy Grace Show” on CNN.
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Juliani Cardenas kidnapped boy

Car involved in Juliani Cardenas kidnapping found The car was found with sonar Friday morning.

Kidnapped - The Complete Series
Juliani Cardenas, a Hispanic 4 years old boy, 3 ’6 “, 40 pounds boy with brown eyes and black hair was kidnapped allegedly by Jose Esteban Rodriguez, a Hispanic male, 27 years old, 5 “9″, 180 pounds with brown eyes and black hair. He was last seen wearing a checkered white and black shorts and a cap.

Suspect's vehicle is a silver Toyota Corolla with California tag number 6HBW445. It has added aluminum wheels oversize.

The abduction and subsequent search are now the subject of national media attention. Friday evening Tabitha appeared on “The Nancy Grace Show” on CNN.
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Cyber Storm Troopers

Friday, January 28, 2011 0 comments
Egypt Shows How Easily Internet Can Be Silenced ::: USA To Follow?

Earlier this week, United States Senator Joe Lieberman brought back a bill he first introduced last summer that would give President Obama power over privately owned Internet providers and computer systems during a "national cyberemergency." The revised version of the Lieberman-Collins bill now includes language stipulating that the federal government designation "shall not be subject to judicial review." It also expanded the president's purview to include "provider of information technology." Given the government's rush to cut off access to WikiLeaks for a few thousand embarrassing but dated diplomatic cables, it's hard to trust their definition of a "cyberemergency." ~ New York Magazine

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Tina Fey or Sarah Palin?

Although TNT have issued their apology to politician Sarah Palin regarding the comments of Tracy Morgan made about Sarah Palin on an appearance on “Inside the NBA”. Former NBA star and now host Charles Barkley, asked the comedian whether Tina Fey or Sarah Palin host. Unexpectedly  Tracy Morgan replied “let me tell you something about Sarah Palin, she’s good masturbation material.”

Following the incident, TNT released this statement to The Hollywood Reporter: “It’s unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments.”

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Tina Fey or Sarah Palin?

Although TNT have issued their apology to politician Sarah Palin regarding the comments of Tracy Morgan made about Sarah Palin on an appearance on “Inside the NBA”. Former NBA star and now host Charles Barkley, asked the comedian whether Tina Fey or Sarah Palin host. Unexpectedly  Tracy Morgan replied “let me tell you something about Sarah Palin, she’s good masturbation material.”

Following the incident, TNT released this statement to The Hollywood Reporter: “It’s unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments.”

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Found new music! #mylauramichelle

Love listening to music online? Check out Laura Michelle! Laura, your stuff is awesome, but you need longer cuts and real videos to get the message out! You might wanna borrow a page out of DJ Vadim & Yarah Bravo's book: UPLOAD, BABY, UPLOAD!

Strangefruitmusicblog has a nice article featuring DJ Vadim's "Beautiful" video, which I understand has been one of the all-time most-popular posts on "the twitterer" blog...

...and DJVadim himself tweeted the alert on a shortandsweet post entitled DJ Vadim Presents the Electric: Life Is Moving By: ND McCray.
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Space Shuttle Challenger marks 25th anniversary

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger NASA commemorates.
(L to R): Mission Specialist, Ellison S. Onizuka, Teacher in Space Participant Sharon Christa McAuliffe, Payload Specialist, Greg Jarvis and Mission Specialist, Judy Resnik. Front row (L to R): Pilot Mike Smith, Commander, Dick Scobee and Mission Specialist, Ron McNair.
Wayne Hale, a former space shuttle program manager and flight director who was working at NASA during both space shuttle accidents said:

"It just always gives us pause at this time of the year, those of us that are in the industry, to reflect on our sad experiences in the past and the lives of those that made such a great contribution to our country,"

It says from Fox News,
While an accident review board never conclusively determined what ignited the fire, a series of design flaws were blamed for making the module so flammable and difficult to quickly escape from. The investigation into the disaster delayed the Apollo program by more than a year-and-a-half and led to redesigns for the Apollo module, as well as procedural changes at NASA.

"We have not forgotten the lessons from Apollo, and I sure hope we as an agency don’t forget these lessons we have learned," said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for space operations.

Christa Mcauliffe was one of the crews who died from the accident. The space shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds after lifting off on the orbiter's 10th flight on Jan. 28, 1986.
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Space Shuttle Challenger marks 25th anniversary

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger NASA commemorates.
(L to R): Mission Specialist, Ellison S. Onizuka, Teacher in Space Participant Sharon Christa McAuliffe, Payload Specialist, Greg Jarvis and Mission Specialist, Judy Resnik. Front row (L to R): Pilot Mike Smith, Commander, Dick Scobee and Mission Specialist, Ron McNair.
Wayne Hale, a former space shuttle program manager and flight director who was working at NASA during both space shuttle accidents said:

"It just always gives us pause at this time of the year, those of us that are in the industry, to reflect on our sad experiences in the past and the lives of those that made such a great contribution to our country,"

It says from Fox News,
While an accident review board never conclusively determined what ignited the fire, a series of design flaws were blamed for making the module so flammable and difficult to quickly escape from. The investigation into the disaster delayed the Apollo program by more than a year-and-a-half and led to redesigns for the Apollo module, as well as procedural changes at NASA.

"We have not forgotten the lessons from Apollo, and I sure hope we as an agency don’t forget these lessons we have learned," said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for space operations.

Christa Mcauliffe was one of the crews who died from the accident. The space shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds after lifting off on the orbiter's 10th flight on Jan. 28, 1986.
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#ff Man is a Social Being...

Although, like everyone else, I have some concerns when it comes to Facebook privacy, from time to time I search Facebook for someone interesting to friend whom I don't know personally. I think it adds to the mix and matter of social networking. Life (and internet social networking) is often about DISCOVERY via reaching out to others. Digital Grifter Schnooks know this [Schnook 1][Schnook 2] and work it to their advantage, harboring less than honorable intentions, which yield unhappy results.
Wanna delete that Facebook account? Here's how.
Speaking of DISCOVERY, did humans cross from eastern Africa to Arabia around 130,000 years ago? This could be an addendum to the excellent PBS documentary THE JOURNEY OF MAN.

The latest wave of PR updates has shaken and stirred the blogosphere. I found a nice site for investigating your blog backlinks.

About #ff

Follow Friday is simply an understood way of promoting other people on Twitter – anyone you think your followers should also be following for any reason.

How to participate in Follow Friday:
1. type Follow Friday and/or #ff (upper or lower case is fine) anywhere within a tweet
2. list the @name of the Tweeters you recommend

If you want your Follow Fridays to be more effective (increase how many new followers they get), you can also craft a reason why you’re giving them the Follow Friday and why you think they’ll be a great follow for all your followers.
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Goodbye Johnny

Word's out that veteran Albany local TV reporter John McLoughlin has tendered his resignation. John is among the Capital Region's "Big 3" reporters: 3, big powerhouse guys who know the ropes blindfolded: John, Ken Screven of CBS6 and Bill Lambdin of Newschannel13.

Cecilia Martinez writes in the Troy Record: "Looking forward, McLoughlin said he hopes to continue to work in the news business, but has not made any plans. " Which has led to speculation that the two-week notice JMcL gave WTEN may have been "forced"???

No one is "safe" from the hand of fate and the hands of time. Change is inevitable. We all realize this.

It will be interesting to see what happens next.

Does this ring any bells for you? If yes, click here!

How long before this page comes down?
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Gladys Horton, Mr. Postman singer died at 66

Gladys Horton, member of the classic Motown female group Marvelettes popularized the song Please Mr. Postman died at the age of 66.

The cause of death of Gladys Horton is still unknown but  it was reported that she was still recovering from complications due to a stroke she suffered last year, her son told the Associated Press.

The quartet Marvelettes successfully make it to the recording business after their second audition in which they sang 'Please Mr. Postman,' which became a hit. The song was co-written with Dobbins' friend and songwriter William Garrett. The song became famous included its album which skyrocketed to the top of the charts.

"My mother died peacefully," Horton's son, Vaughn Thornton, said Thursday morning in a statement released by the Motown Alumni Association. "She fought as long as she could." She is survived by Vaughn and another son. Funeral arrangements are pending.

Watch Gladys Horton and fellow member of the Marvelettes performing Please Mr. Postman.

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Gladys Horton, Mr. Postman singer died at 66

Gladys Horton, member of the classic Motown female group Marvelettes popularized the song Please Mr. Postman died at the age of 66.

The cause of death of Gladys Horton is still unknown but  it was reported that she was still recovering from complications due to a stroke she suffered last year, her son told the Associated Press.

The quartet Marvelettes successfully make it to the recording business after their second audition in which they sang 'Please Mr. Postman,' which became a hit. The song was co-written with Dobbins' friend and songwriter William Garrett. The song became famous included its album which skyrocketed to the top of the charts.

"My mother died peacefully," Horton's son, Vaughn Thornton, said Thursday morning in a statement released by the Motown Alumni Association. "She fought as long as she could." She is survived by Vaughn and another son. Funeral arrangements are pending.

Watch Gladys Horton and fellow member of the Marvelettes performing Please Mr. Postman.

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Make Money Blogging with Affiliate Lights

Are you looking for a chance to make a little extra money while blogging, tweeting, facebooking or whatever it is you do online?

I have joined the Affiliate Lights program.

It looks like a good opportunity: check it out!

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Charlie Sheen with hiatal hernia

Thursday, January 27, 2011 0 comments
Following the Charlie Sheen hospitalized post, it has been reported few minutes back that the actor was diagnosed with hiatal hernia which he had for years.

hiatal hernia
As defined from, hiatal hernia is an anatomical abnormality in which part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm and up into the chest. Although hiatal hernias are present in approximately 15% of the population, they are associated with symptoms in only a minority of those afflicted.

Hiatal hernia is caused by a larger-than-normal esophageal hiatus, the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes from the chest into the abdomen; as a result of the large opening, part of the stomach "slips" into the chest.

Charlie Sheen will be spending a night at the hospital with his current situation.
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Charlie Sheen with hiatal hernia

Following the Charlie Sheen hospitalized post, it has been reported few minutes back that the actor was diagnosed with hiatal hernia which he had for years.

hiatal hernia
As defined from, hiatal hernia is an anatomical abnormality in which part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm and up into the chest. Although hiatal hernias are present in approximately 15% of the population, they are associated with symptoms in only a minority of those afflicted.

Hiatal hernia is caused by a larger-than-normal esophageal hiatus, the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes from the chest into the abdomen; as a result of the large opening, part of the stomach "slips" into the chest.

Charlie Sheen will be spending a night at the hospital with his current situation.
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Charlie Sheen hospitalized with serious case

According to TMZ today, Charlie Sheen hospitalized and it's serious. Sheen was taken out of his home with a stretcher around 7AM and brought to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in L.A.

Stan Rosenfield, Charlie's publicist says that Sheen was having an abodominal severe abdominal pains which makes them call 911 for help.

Martin Sheen father of Charlie, mother Janet Templeton are Denise Richards, Charlie's ex-wife are all in the hospital to check on Charlie's situation.

According Charlie's neighbors, the actor threw a party night before Charlie Sheen hospitalized due to severe abdominal pains.
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Charlie Sheen hospitalized with serious case

According to TMZ today, Charlie Sheen hospitalized and it's serious. Sheen was taken out of his home with a stretcher around 7AM and brought to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in L.A.

Stan Rosenfield, Charlie's publicist says that Sheen was having an abodominal severe abdominal pains which makes them call 911 for help.

Martin Sheen father of Charlie, mother Janet Templeton are Denise Richards, Charlie's ex-wife are all in the hospital to check on Charlie's situation.

According Charlie's neighbors, the actor threw a party night before Charlie Sheen hospitalized due to severe abdominal pains.
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Jimmy Buffett falls off stage,feeling okay now

64-year-old Jimmy Buffet, 'Margaritaville' singer crashed into a gap at the edge of his stage, where he hit his head, suffering a massive cut.

Jimmy Buffett falls off stage

The concert during which the accident occurred was tacked onto the singer's three sold-out shows in honor of Australia Day, which celebrates the first British fleet's arrival in Sydney in 1788.

According to TMZ's post, Buffett, who is "doing well," had a CAT scan at St. Vincent's Hospital and the results were normal.

Buffet still have dates to tour and will perform January 29 in New Zeland. No words yet from representatives if there will be changes in the said tour.
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Jimmy Buffett falls off stage,feeling okay now

64-year-old Jimmy Buffet, 'Margaritaville' singer crashed into a gap at the edge of his stage, where he hit his head, suffering a massive cut.

Jimmy Buffett falls off stage

The concert during which the accident occurred was tacked onto the singer's three sold-out shows in honor of Australia Day, which celebrates the first British fleet's arrival in Sydney in 1788.

According to TMZ's post, Buffett, who is "doing well," had a CAT scan at St. Vincent's Hospital and the results were normal.

Buffet still have dates to tour and will perform January 29 in New Zeland. No words yet from representatives if there will be changes in the said tour.
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Chris Medina's hearthbreaking story

Although American Idol Season 10 followers loved Steven Tyler's quotes, today a heartbreaking story engulfed the reality show viewers.

Today's final act of the show was Chris and his heartbreaking story of how his fiancee got in a car accident only a mere months before their planned wedding date was featured.

At first, this guy did not seem to be as strong a singer as we would hope but with his performance of The Script's "Breakeven", it turns out Chris Medina has something to say and possibly stay a little bit longer.

Chris Media is 26-year old barista from Illinois appeared on Wednesday's tryout episode of the national singing competition, and brought with him his girlfriend, Julia Ramos.
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Chris Medina's hearthbreaking story

Although American Idol Season 10 followers loved Steven Tyler's quotes, today a heartbreaking story engulfed the reality show viewers.

Today's final act of the show was Chris and his heartbreaking story of how his fiancee got in a car accident only a mere months before their planned wedding date was featured.

At first, this guy did not seem to be as strong a singer as we would hope but with his performance of The Script's "Breakeven", it turns out Chris Medina has something to say and possibly stay a little bit longer.

Chris Media is 26-year old barista from Illinois appeared on Wednesday's tryout episode of the national singing competition, and brought with him his girlfriend, Julia Ramos.
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Dennis Kucinich sues Congressional cafeteria

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 0 comments
In the news today, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio),  sues Congressional cafeteria over the 2008 incident which involves a stray of olive pit placed in a sandwich wrapper.

Dennis Kucinich

Based on documents acquired by Gawker, Kucinich argues that the wrap, which was supposed to contain only pitted olives, was "unwholesome and unfit for human consumption." Chewing the pit, he claims, resulted in "serious and permanent dental and oral injuries requiring multiple surgical and dental procedures."

Kucinich is seeking $150,000 from Restaurant Associates and three other companies that run the cafeteria in the Longworth congressional office building.
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Dennis Kucinich sues Congressional cafeteria

In the news today, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio),  sues Congressional cafeteria over the 2008 incident which involves a stray of olive pit placed in a sandwich wrapper.

Dennis Kucinich

Based on documents acquired by Gawker, Kucinich argues that the wrap, which was supposed to contain only pitted olives, was "unwholesome and unfit for human consumption." Chewing the pit, he claims, resulted in "serious and permanent dental and oral injuries requiring multiple surgical and dental procedures."

Kucinich is seeking $150,000 from Restaurant Associates and three other companies that run the cafeteria in the Longworth congressional office building.
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Monitor lizard into the condo complex

Monitor lizard measuring 5-foot wanders around a condo complex in the city of Riverside was way bigger than animal control officer Jenny Selter which was reported to them.

John Welsh, spokesman for Riverside County Animal Services.

"She said she saw it and almost jumped back in her truck,"

"The residents were freaking out because here's the Godzilla-like creature walking down the sidewalk."

Selter and police officer managed to capture the Monitor lizard and instantly put in in a compartment of her truck that's usually used for large dogs. Selter held the onto its sharp, lashing tail while the police officer grabbed the body of the Monitor lizard.

Welsh added:

"The last one we had was nasty. But this one doesn't hiss and we were able to walk it around. It was investigating and didn't snap at anyone,"

"We suspect that it's been someone's pet for a long time, because it's so big. I think they might let it wander around the house. Maybe it sleeps on a bean bag?"
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Monitor lizard into the condo complex

Monitor lizard measuring 5-foot wanders around a condo complex in the city of Riverside was way bigger than animal control officer Jenny Selter which was reported to them.

John Welsh, spokesman for Riverside County Animal Services.

"She said she saw it and almost jumped back in her truck,"

"The residents were freaking out because here's the Godzilla-like creature walking down the sidewalk."

Selter and police officer managed to capture the Monitor lizard and instantly put in in a compartment of her truck that's usually used for large dogs. Selter held the onto its sharp, lashing tail while the police officer grabbed the body of the Monitor lizard.

Welsh added:

"The last one we had was nasty. But this one doesn't hiss and we were able to walk it around. It was investigating and didn't snap at anyone,"

"We suspect that it's been someone's pet for a long time, because it's so big. I think they might let it wander around the house. Maybe it sleeps on a bean bag?"
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Crop circle in Indonesia

Crop circle in central Indonesia formed by UFO. This is the rumor spreads in Indonesia which invites thousands of curious onlookers to look at the rumored "crop circle" in a rice field that was formed by a UFO.

The 70-yard-wide rice paddies is now blocked by police with yellow tape to avoid flocking onlookers. Though villagers finds their way to monetize the alleged UFO event by charging entrance fees.

Experts commented that the said 'crop circle' is very obvious man-made.

The chief of the Sleman village, Guntur Purwanto said that the circle appeared in the middle of the green rice paddies over the weekend.

The business of the local residents will be ending very soon after government officials from Indonesia's space agency space agency, well-respected astronomers and nuclear agency officials concluded that the crop cirle was  not left by an UFO.
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Crop circle in Indonesia

Crop circle in central Indonesia formed by UFO. This is the rumor spreads in Indonesia which invites thousands of curious onlookers to look at the rumored "crop circle" in a rice field that was formed by a UFO.

The 70-yard-wide rice paddies is now blocked by police with yellow tape to avoid flocking onlookers. Though villagers finds their way to monetize the alleged UFO event by charging entrance fees.

Experts commented that the said 'crop circle' is very obvious man-made.

The chief of the Sleman village, Guntur Purwanto said that the circle appeared in the middle of the green rice paddies over the weekend.

The business of the local residents will be ending very soon after government officials from Indonesia's space agency space agency, well-respected astronomers and nuclear agency officials concluded that the crop cirle was  not left by an UFO.
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Race to the top, Obama's State of the Union Address

In President Obama's Speech of the Union Address, he mentioned Race to the Top (R2T). The president intends to replace No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

Obama said, “Race to the Top should be the approach we follow this year as we replace No Child Left Behind with a law that is more flexible and focused on what’s best for our kids,”

According to the president’s speech, the idea of R2T was developed by both Republican and Democratic governors throughout the U.S. The program is funded by the ED Recovery Act to the tune of $4.35 billion. R2T is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

States apply for funding by earning points in a variety of categories. There is a total of 500 points, all told. Because of the competitive nature of the funding, many states have taken action to ensure that they do well enough to receive their share of the money.

Meanwhile, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) delivered her own rebuttal to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday night despite Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) being tapped to give the official Republican response.

Bachmann suggested she's "not in competition with Paul Ryan," according to CNN.

The Atlantic relays advanced excerpts of Bachmann's remarks.
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Race to the top, Obama's State of the Union Address

In President Obama's Speech of the Union Address, he mentioned Race to the Top (R2T). The president intends to replace No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

Obama said, “Race to the Top should be the approach we follow this year as we replace No Child Left Behind with a law that is more flexible and focused on what’s best for our kids,”

According to the president’s speech, the idea of R2T was developed by both Republican and Democratic governors throughout the U.S. The program is funded by the ED Recovery Act to the tune of $4.35 billion. R2T is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

States apply for funding by earning points in a variety of categories. There is a total of 500 points, all told. Because of the competitive nature of the funding, many states have taken action to ensure that they do well enough to receive their share of the money.

Meanwhile, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) delivered her own rebuttal to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday night despite Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) being tapped to give the official Republican response.

Bachmann suggested she's "not in competition with Paul Ryan," according to CNN.

The Atlantic relays advanced excerpts of Bachmann's remarks.
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Black men earn money, Google result racist?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 0 comments
I'm not sure about the trending topic today about black men earn money. According to one of the post from, when you search about Black men earn money it will display the following image.

black men earn money
It seems searching the keyphrase Black men earn money at Google is cleaned now. The part "Showing results for white men earn money part has been taken off now.

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Black men earn money, Google result racist?

I'm not sure about the trending topic today about black men earn money. According to one of the post from, when you search about Black men earn money it will display the following image.

black men earn money
It seems searching the keyphrase Black men earn money at Google is cleaned now. The part "Showing results for white men earn money part has been taken off now.

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