
Zerg Units Drone

Saturday, July 31, 2010 0 comments
Zerg Units has been featured few days ago and perhaps we need a explore the Zerg race a bit more detailed.

Drone, most commonly known as the worker unit. In-charge for gathering resources and minerals enable for you to operate and build armies. Zerg's unit Drone are usually morphed into buildings, turned into attacking units like rRoach, Hydralisk and etc.

Basic techniques to make your Drone work faster and gather more resources is to strategically build your buildings near the source of minerals. By this, you will shorten the distance to be traveled by your Drone unit.

Zerg unit's Drone

You might have some ideas and techniques how to make Zerg units dominant among the 2 other race namely Protoss units and Terran Units.
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Zerg Units Drone

Zerg Units has been featured few days ago and perhaps we need a explore the Zerg race a bit more detailed.

Drone, most commonly known as the worker unit. In-charge for gathering resources and minerals enable for you to operate and build armies. Zerg's unit Drone are usually morphed into buildings, turned into attacking units like rRoach, Hydralisk and etc.

Basic techniques to make your Drone work faster and gather more resources is to strategically build your buildings near the source of minerals. By this, you will shorten the distance to be traveled by your Drone unit.

Zerg unit's Drone

You might have some ideas and techniques how to make Zerg units dominant among the 2 other race namely Protoss units and Terran Units.
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Dinner for Schmucks Review

Friday, July 30, 2010 0 comments
Dinner for Schmucks Reviews shows that the movies was not really well, satisfactory. Got only 52% out 105 comments from a popular movie critic site

Not really a fan of Steve Carell and Paul Rudd, though I like some of their movies. Steve Carell failed my expectation to the movie Evan Almighty (Guess, I expect a lot.) Steve Carells' Get Smart is pretty awesome, maybe because of Anne Hathaway

As to Paul Rudd, I like his movie Role Models together with Seann William Scott who was also one of my favorite from the movie American Pie (He's good actor for a jerk role). Paul Rudd is not really a funny guy but I really wonder why he got comedy project movies? But somehow did make me laugh from the movie Role Models.

Now, let's go back to Dinner for Schmuck reviews, I just can't imagine how their chemistry works. How will the writers and directory blend their portrayals. But based from movie critic site Rottentomates, it sounds like the movie will not even make it to top 5 weekend box office.

Here are some comments form
With apologies to Vin Scelsa, Dinner for Schmucks is an idiot's delight

Hollywood used to produced great comedies that made you laugh until your sides

Unless you're a hard-core Carell fan, this is one Dinner reservation I'd consider canceling.

Filled with audacious silly behavior, none of which has an edge to make its comedy sharp.

Veber’s comic conceit, which stopped short of actually showing the dinner,

Ambles along waywardly for the first half hour before losing steam altogether.

The blend of styles with Rudd's everyman realism, Roach's pedestrian visual sense, and the script's "wacky" humor results in a stew of a comedy in which the divergent ingredients never gel into one coherent movie dish.

That the film would be funny, at times hilarious, despite having the potential to be needlessly cruel, is not exactly a surprise given the two actors' proven chemistry in those prior films.

Dinner With Schmucks may actually be the funniest movie currently in the marketplace -- but that’s pretty much by default.
Much less energy, delight, wit, humor and fun than the original was able to muster without any evident strain.

It's just too bad you have to sit through a less than appetizing main course before you get to sink your teeth into the mouthwatering dessert.

All the disorderly or anarchistic possibilities of its premise get channeled back toward a message of symbolic pseudo-redemption, which is what Hollywood movies have to deliver at all costs.

With moments of fitful hilarity, the pairing of Paul Rudd, Steve Carell and a talented cast of secondary actors, there’s plenty here to keep summer comedy fans satiated, if not entirely satisfied.

Pure, tasteless slapstick silliness with little on its mind beyond cheap yuks.

In adapting Francis Veber’s 1998 French farce Le Dîner des cons (The Dinner Game), Roach and his writers David Guion and Michael Handelman have completely defanged it.

A satisfactory meal, but not quite the comedic feast that it might have been had it possessed some spicier ingredients.
 For more click here.

Credits: for commentaries.
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Dinner for Schmucks Review

Dinner for Schmucks Reviews shows that the movies was not really well, satisfactory. Got only 52% out 105 comments from a popular movie critic site

Not really a fan of Steve Carell and Paul Rudd, though I like some of their movies. Steve Carell failed my expectation to the movie Evan Almighty (Guess, I expect a lot.) Steve Carells' Get Smart is pretty awesome, maybe because of Anne Hathaway

As to Paul Rudd, I like his movie Role Models together with Seann William Scott who was also one of my favorite from the movie American Pie (He's good actor for a jerk role). Paul Rudd is not really a funny guy but I really wonder why he got comedy project movies? But somehow did make me laugh from the movie Role Models.

Now, let's go back to Dinner for Schmuck reviews, I just can't imagine how their chemistry works. How will the writers and directory blend their portrayals. But based from movie critic site Rottentomates, it sounds like the movie will not even make it to top 5 weekend box office.

Here are some comments form
With apologies to Vin Scelsa, Dinner for Schmucks is an idiot's delight

Hollywood used to produced great comedies that made you laugh until your sides

Unless you're a hard-core Carell fan, this is one Dinner reservation I'd consider canceling.

Filled with audacious silly behavior, none of which has an edge to make its comedy sharp.

Veber’s comic conceit, which stopped short of actually showing the dinner,

Ambles along waywardly for the first half hour before losing steam altogether.

The blend of styles with Rudd's everyman realism, Roach's pedestrian visual sense, and the script's "wacky" humor results in a stew of a comedy in which the divergent ingredients never gel into one coherent movie dish.

That the film would be funny, at times hilarious, despite having the potential to be needlessly cruel, is not exactly a surprise given the two actors' proven chemistry in those prior films.

Dinner With Schmucks may actually be the funniest movie currently in the marketplace -- but that’s pretty much by default.
Much less energy, delight, wit, humor and fun than the original was able to muster without any evident strain.

It's just too bad you have to sit through a less than appetizing main course before you get to sink your teeth into the mouthwatering dessert.

All the disorderly or anarchistic possibilities of its premise get channeled back toward a message of symbolic pseudo-redemption, which is what Hollywood movies have to deliver at all costs.

With moments of fitful hilarity, the pairing of Paul Rudd, Steve Carell and a talented cast of secondary actors, there’s plenty here to keep summer comedy fans satiated, if not entirely satisfied.

Pure, tasteless slapstick silliness with little on its mind beyond cheap yuks.

In adapting Francis Veber’s 1998 French farce Le Dîner des cons (The Dinner Game), Roach and his writers David Guion and Michael Handelman have completely defanged it.

A satisfactory meal, but not quite the comedic feast that it might have been had it possessed some spicier ingredients.
 For more click here.

Credits: for commentaries.
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Justin Bieber Smoking Weed - Indeed?

Yo! Justin Bieber, smoking weed? For real?

Is Justin Bieber a singing sensation or a rumor targeted sensation?

The worst was Justin impregnated his mother. After his videos at Youtube was rickrolled (see rickrolling) and make Justin Bieber world tour to North Korea.

Justin Bieber smoking weed is just another of those rumors that are spread over the internet today.
Are these rumors good or bad? Well, there was one rumor that was not negative actually. Justin converts to Scientology rumor was not bad all. 

IMO, I guess these rumors is really making Justin Bieber more popular. Yah, undeniably I known him over the Internet too, the time I checked Google's hot trends last year.
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Justin Bieber Smoking Weed - Indeed?

Yo! Justin Bieber, smoking weed? For real?

Is Justin Bieber a singing sensation or a rumor targeted sensation?

The worst was Justin impregnated his mother. After his videos at Youtube was rickrolled (see rickrolling) and make Justin Bieber world tour to North Korea.

Justin Bieber smoking weed is just another of those rumors that are spread over the internet today.
Are these rumors good or bad? Well, there was one rumor that was not negative actually. Justin converts to Scientology rumor was not bad all. 

IMO, I guess these rumors is really making Justin Bieber more popular. Yah, undeniably I known him over the Internet too, the time I checked Google's hot trends last year.
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Ellen DeGeneres leaves American Idol Season 10

Thursday, July 29, 2010 0 comments
In the upcoming American Idol season 10, Ellen DeGeneres will not be judge anymore. The news was confirmed today by Fox representative.

DeGeneres would not appear at the auditions this summer or on the show next winter. Reason for leaving might be connected to the come back of original producer Nigel Lythgoe which was reported this week. According to the reports, Lythgoe is planning to revamp the setup of judges.

 In a statement issued by DeGeneres, she said that the decision was her.

“A couple months ago, I let Fox and the ‘American Idol’ producers know that this didn’t feel like the right fit for me,” she said. “I told them I wouldn’t leave them in a bind and that I would hold off on doing anything until they were able to figure out where they wanted to take the panel next.”
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Ellen DeGeneres leaves American Idol Season 10

In the upcoming American Idol season 10, Ellen DeGeneres will not be judge anymore. The news was confirmed today by Fox representative.

DeGeneres would not appear at the auditions this summer or on the show next winter. Reason for leaving might be connected to the come back of original producer Nigel Lythgoe which was reported this week. According to the reports, Lythgoe is planning to revamp the setup of judges.

 In a statement issued by DeGeneres, she said that the decision was her.

“A couple months ago, I let Fox and the ‘American Idol’ producers know that this didn’t feel like the right fit for me,” she said. “I told them I wouldn’t leave them in a bind and that I would hold off on doing anything until they were able to figure out where they wanted to take the panel next.”
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500M Facebook users, ready to answer your Facebook Questions

The giant social networking site Facebook is cooking the latest feature named Facebook Questions (Still in Beta).

500M Facebook users, ready to answer your Questions. Yes that's right! 500M Facebook users might be answering your question. I could compare this Twitter and Plurk but the difference is, your question is publicly seen by the said number of users. Unlike in two popular micro-blogging site, your status or question only available to your followers.

Well, it's not really the two micro-blogging sites Facebook's trying to compete but rather Yahoo! answers.

Here's a bit of information from Facbook's Blog.

Ask Anything, Get Quality Answers

Facebook Questions helps you tap into the collective knowledge of the more than 500 million people on Facebook. For example, if you're vacationing in Costa Rica and want to know the best places to surf, you can use Facebook Questions to get answers from nearby surfing enthusiasts. Because questions will also appear to your friends and their friends, you'll receive answers that are more personalized to you.

To ask a question to the community, just click the "Ask Question" button at the top of the homepage. You can also ask questions about your friends from their profiles, similarly to how you would post on their Walls.

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500M Facebook users, ready to answer your Facebook Questions

The giant social networking site Facebook is cooking the latest feature named Facebook Questions (Still in Beta).

500M Facebook users, ready to answer your Questions. Yes that's right! 500M Facebook users might be answering your question. I could compare this Twitter and Plurk but the difference is, your question is publicly seen by the said number of users. Unlike in two popular micro-blogging site, your status or question only available to your followers.

Well, it's not really the two micro-blogging sites Facebook's trying to compete but rather Yahoo! answers.

Here's a bit of information from Facbook's Blog.

Ask Anything, Get Quality Answers

Facebook Questions helps you tap into the collective knowledge of the more than 500 million people on Facebook. For example, if you're vacationing in Costa Rica and want to know the best places to surf, you can use Facebook Questions to get answers from nearby surfing enthusiasts. Because questions will also appear to your friends and their friends, you'll receive answers that are more personalized to you.

To ask a question to the community, just click the "Ask Question" button at the top of the homepage. You can also ask questions about your friends from their profiles, similarly to how you would post on their Walls.

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Kanye West Twitter, first tweet :Silicone Valley

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 0 comments
You a fan of @Kanyewest ? Have a Twitter account? Guess you're not late to know that Kanye West twitter account is now up.

Kanye West has a similar story with Lebron James Twitter who was also hesitant to register back then. 

Kanye West early tweets : 

Maybe Kanye's still sleepy when first tweeted this.
  • "Up early in the morning taking meetings in Silicone Valley"   
After an hour, guess he already took his breakfast and wide awake.

  • Lol I spelled Silicon wrong ( I guess I was still thinking about the other type of silicone ITS A PROCESS!! : ) 
Let's skipped the following hours and move after 9hours of creating Kanye West Twitter account. 
  •  I got 90,000 followers in 8 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you everybody
That's a huge number of followers huh? But wait, is Taylor Swift one of them?

Hey Kanye, I know you're trying to gain followers but I'm a let you finish Taylor Swift already have 3,693,254 followers.  
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Kanye West Twitter, first tweet :Silicone Valley

You a fan of @Kanyewest ? Have a Twitter account? Guess you're not late to know that Kanye West twitter account is now up.

Kanye West has a similar story with Lebron James Twitter who was also hesitant to register back then. 

Kanye West early tweets : 

Maybe Kanye's still sleepy when first tweeted this.
  • "Up early in the morning taking meetings in Silicone Valley"   
After an hour, guess he already took his breakfast and wide awake.

  • Lol I spelled Silicon wrong ( I guess I was still thinking about the other type of silicone ITS A PROCESS!! : ) 
Let's skipped the following hours and move after 9hours of creating Kanye West Twitter account. 
  •  I got 90,000 followers in 8 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you everybody
That's a huge number of followers huh? But wait, is Taylor Swift one of them?

Hey Kanye, I know you're trying to gain followers but I'm a let you finish Taylor Swift already have 3,693,254 followers.  
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Jack Roush survives plane crash

NASCAR team owner Jack Roush survives in a plane crash today. His condition is now stable after walking away from a plane crash in Wisconsin on Tuesday night.

Roush Fenway Racing president Geoff Smith said in a text message to The Associated Press:  "There are injuries. Possible surgery, But he walked out of the plane."

The plane was owned by Jack Roush confirmed by medias. The team said that Roush was already landing the plane when the accident happened at 6:15 p.m. CDT.

Jack Roush was with his friend Brenda Strickland of Plymouth, Mich when the plane crash happened confirmed by EAA, the National Transportation Safety Board and Winnebago County Sheriff's Department.
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Jack Roush survives plane crash

NASCAR team owner Jack Roush survives in a plane crash today. His condition is now stable after walking away from a plane crash in Wisconsin on Tuesday night.

Roush Fenway Racing president Geoff Smith said in a text message to The Associated Press:  "There are injuries. Possible surgery, But he walked out of the plane."

The plane was owned by Jack Roush confirmed by medias. The team said that Roush was already landing the plane when the accident happened at 6:15 p.m. CDT.

Jack Roush was with his friend Brenda Strickland of Plymouth, Mich when the plane crash happened confirmed by EAA, the National Transportation Safety Board and Winnebago County Sheriff's Department.
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StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty The Zerg Units

Monday, July 26, 2010 0 comments
Blizzard's StarCraft II is set to release on July 27. StarCraft superstars, addicted and regular players are now gearing up their PC's to experience the StarCraft's sequel dubbed as StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty. 14 years in the making, launching was delayed or to be exact postponed but finally it will be out tomorrow.

First let me introduce StarCraft II.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment as a sequel to the award-winning 1998 video game StarCraft. The game was developed for concurrent release on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. StarCraft II is split into three installments: the base game with the subtitle Wings of Liberty, and two expansion packs, Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void. On May 3, 2010, publisher Activision Blizzard announced that Wings of Liberty would be released worldwide on July 27, 2010. Source Wikipedia

StarCraft II is real-time strategy game composed of different unique units under different races namely Terran, humans exiled from Earth skilled at adapting to any situation,Protoss, a humanoid species with advanced technology and psionic abilities and Zerg, a race of reptilian aliens in pursuit of genetic perfection obsessed with assimilating other races.

Since, StarCraft II units are too many to share I will merely focus on Zerg units.

The drone is the basic economic unit in the Zerg Swarm. It can mine minerals, harvest gas, and morph into buildings.

Morphing from the larva crawling amongst the creep come the tiny Zerglings. These creatures might be small but they are anything but what you want to meet face to face.

The Roach as very low hit points, but an extremely high hit point regeneration rate.

The backbone of any Zerg army in the original Starcraft is back in Starcraft 2, and well its backbone has grown as it now stands at the height of a Protoss Stalker.

The Infester replaces the role of the Defiler from the original Starcraft, in that it cannot attach units out straight, but rather has a myriad of various abilities.

This massive unit is able to take a tremendous amount of damage , being the tank of any Zerg army.

Morphing from Zerglings, these are one of the first new units announced for the race of the Zerg. These creatures are made for one and only one purpose, suicide.

Just as the Zerg ground units do below, the Mutalisks swarm in dark clouds above. The Mutalisk is a light air unit that does best in large numbers.

Nydus Worm
The Nydus worms were seen in Blizzards video popping out of the ground and releasing swarms of Zerglings on the enemies above.

The Zerg is a race that survives and thrives by assimilating other species. The Zerg Overlord is one such example, coming from the species called Gargantis Proximae.

List of Zerg Units, credits to
A friendly reminder, be sure to check StarCraft 2 System requirements before installing and getting hooked.
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StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty The Zerg Units

Blizzard's StarCraft II is set to release on July 27. StarCraft superstars, addicted and regular players are now gearing up their PC's to experience the StarCraft's sequel dubbed as StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty. 14 years in the making, launching was delayed or to be exact postponed but finally it will be out tomorrow.

First let me introduce StarCraft II.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment as a sequel to the award-winning 1998 video game StarCraft. The game was developed for concurrent release on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. StarCraft II is split into three installments: the base game with the subtitle Wings of Liberty, and two expansion packs, Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void. On May 3, 2010, publisher Activision Blizzard announced that Wings of Liberty would be released worldwide on July 27, 2010. Source Wikipedia

StarCraft II is real-time strategy game composed of different unique units under different races namely Terran, humans exiled from Earth skilled at adapting to any situation,Protoss, a humanoid species with advanced technology and psionic abilities and Zerg, a race of reptilian aliens in pursuit of genetic perfection obsessed with assimilating other races.

Since, StarCraft II units are too many to share I will merely focus on Zerg units.

The drone is the basic economic unit in the Zerg Swarm. It can mine minerals, harvest gas, and morph into buildings.

Morphing from the larva crawling amongst the creep come the tiny Zerglings. These creatures might be small but they are anything but what you want to meet face to face.

The Roach as very low hit points, but an extremely high hit point regeneration rate.

The backbone of any Zerg army in the original Starcraft is back in Starcraft 2, and well its backbone has grown as it now stands at the height of a Protoss Stalker.

The Infester replaces the role of the Defiler from the original Starcraft, in that it cannot attach units out straight, but rather has a myriad of various abilities.

This massive unit is able to take a tremendous amount of damage , being the tank of any Zerg army.

Morphing from Zerglings, these are one of the first new units announced for the race of the Zerg. These creatures are made for one and only one purpose, suicide.

Just as the Zerg ground units do below, the Mutalisks swarm in dark clouds above. The Mutalisk is a light air unit that does best in large numbers.

Nydus Worm
The Nydus worms were seen in Blizzards video popping out of the ground and releasing swarms of Zerglings on the enemies above.

The Zerg is a race that survives and thrives by assimilating other species. The Zerg Overlord is one such example, coming from the species called Gargantis Proximae.

List of Zerg Units, credits to
A friendly reminder, be sure to check StarCraft 2 System requirements before installing and getting hooked.
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Redford White Died at 54

Saturday, July 24, 2010 0 comments
Comedian actor Redford White died today 6:47am as posted by Jim Paredes via his Twitter,member of the trio-group APO Hiking Society. According to sources, Redford White, Cipriano Cermeno in real life, died because of lung and brain cancer. The disease he has been battling for a long time.

Jim Paredes' tweet. Check his Twitter here.

“At 6:47 am today, my great friend, fellow diver and a wonderful human being known to all as Redford White passed away peacefully. I was with him yesterday and we had our last hugs. I will miss you ‘pre. Love you. Your great spirit has left many sad. “I have been expecting this. My only consolation is that his physical suffering has stopped. I will never forget you dear friend. I love you. In truth, he counts among the most wonderful human beings I have ever known–generous, kind, light, uncomplicated, funny and loving. Your passing leaves a hole in my heart.”
Redford White's manager or he himself hid his situation in public. When rumors came out, no one from Redford's family confirmed it, his manager has even sent a message to ABS-CBN’s “The Buzz” that the actor is in “good shape.

Condolence to Redford's family and love ones. Thank you for making us laugh the time you were still alive.
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Redford White Died at 54

Comedian actor Redford White died today 6:47am as posted by Jim Paredes via his Twitter,member of the trio-group APO Hiking Society. According to sources, Redford White, Cipriano Cermeno in real life, died because of lung and brain cancer. The disease he has been battling for a long time.

Jim Paredes' tweet. Check his Twitter here.

“At 6:47 am today, my great friend, fellow diver and a wonderful human being known to all as Redford White passed away peacefully. I was with him yesterday and we had our last hugs. I will miss you ‘pre. Love you. Your great spirit has left many sad. “I have been expecting this. My only consolation is that his physical suffering has stopped. I will never forget you dear friend. I love you. In truth, he counts among the most wonderful human beings I have ever known–generous, kind, light, uncomplicated, funny and loving. Your passing leaves a hole in my heart.”
Redford White's manager or he himself hid his situation in public. When rumors came out, no one from Redford's family confirmed it, his manager has even sent a message to ABS-CBN’s “The Buzz” that the actor is in “good shape.

Condolence to Redford's family and love ones. Thank you for making us laugh the time you were still alive.
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Paulina Porizkova at The Late Late Show


Paulina Pořízková, top model in Paris during the early 80's. Born April 9, 1965.

Now known as Paulina Porizkova-Ocasek (Czech:Pavlína Pořízková, ) is a Czechoslovakian-born Swedish-American model and actress.

Married to Ric Ocasek lead vocal of popular new wave band The Cars, the band popularized the song "Drive". Watch embedded video below. The two met also from the making of the said video and eventually "drive" them together to the church.

Aside from modeling and acting, she also writes. She first co-authored a children's book, The Adventures of Ralphie the Roach with Joanne Russell and illustrated by stepson Adam Ocasek, that was published in September 1992. While have her first novel published in 2007 entitled A Model Summer. A story about a 15-year-old Swedish girl (Jirina) chosen by a modeling agent to spend a summer working in Paris in 1980.

Appearances in television: Source: Wikipedia

She was part of the panel of judges on America's Next Top Model, starting on Cycle 10 replacing the fashion icon, Twiggy.  Pořízková continued to conduct regular weekly evaluations of Top Model participants on the show until she announced she'd been fired from Top Model during a 12 May 2009 appearance on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on CBS.

Pořízková was a participant on the Spring 2007 series Dancing with the Stars, but she was voted off on the first results show which aired 27 March 2007. In January 2010, she played the minor role of Clarissa, in the CBS Daytime soap opera, As The World Turns.

Tonight, Paulina Porizkova will be on "The Late Late Show" (12:37 a.m., CBS).

Watch Paulina Porizkova from "Drive" music video below

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Paulina Porizkova at The Late Late Show


Paulina Pořízková, top model in Paris during the early 80's. Born April 9, 1965.

Now known as Paulina Porizkova-Ocasek (Czech:Pavlína Pořízková, ) is a Czechoslovakian-born Swedish-American model and actress.

Married to Ric Ocasek lead vocal of popular new wave band The Cars, the band popularized the song "Drive". Watch embedded video below. The two met also from the making of the said video and eventually "drive" them together to the church.

Aside from modeling and acting, she also writes. She first co-authored a children's book, The Adventures of Ralphie the Roach with Joanne Russell and illustrated by stepson Adam Ocasek, that was published in September 1992. While have her first novel published in 2007 entitled A Model Summer. A story about a 15-year-old Swedish girl (Jirina) chosen by a modeling agent to spend a summer working in Paris in 1980.

Appearances in television: Source: Wikipedia

She was part of the panel of judges on America's Next Top Model, starting on Cycle 10 replacing the fashion icon, Twiggy.  Pořízková continued to conduct regular weekly evaluations of Top Model participants on the show until she announced she'd been fired from Top Model during a 12 May 2009 appearance on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on CBS.

Pořízková was a participant on the Spring 2007 series Dancing with the Stars, but she was voted off on the first results show which aired 27 March 2007. In January 2010, she played the minor role of Clarissa, in the CBS Daytime soap opera, As The World Turns.

Tonight, Paulina Porizkova will be on "The Late Late Show" (12:37 a.m., CBS).

Watch Paulina Porizkova from "Drive" music video below

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Mel Gibson

Hello Bishop Manchester. I would like to ask you what is your opinion of the current crisis that actor/director Mel Gibson is going through right now. Do think that their might be a conspiracy to ruin the career and image of Gibson? I know that he took a lot of heat in the media for making the Passion of the Christ. - Ruben H.

Sympathy for the American actor would be a lot easier if consistency in what he says and does was more in evidence. Hence I do feel Mel Gibson has all too often made a rod for his own back; not helped, of course, by an apparent serious alcohol problem. He sometimes equivocates and soon afterwards retracts or modifies certain of his more controversial statements. He has also contradicted himself on a number of occasions. I feel he should stick to his guns unless his utterances are not reflections of his true feelings at the time due to the influence of alcohol. He is obviously something of an enigma; but, then, in some people's eyes, I daresay so am I.

Born on 3 January 1956, Mel Colm-Cille Gerard Gibson is also a film director, producer and screenwriter. I regard him as a talented, albeit troubled, soul who might very well be facing a conspiracy to ruin his career since the making of The Passion of the Christ.  

Born in Peekskill, New York, Gibson moved with his parents to Sydney when he was twelve-years-old. He later studied acting at the Australian National Institute of Dramatic Art. Mel Gibson's precise religious affiliation is obscure in most people's eyes. He once considered entering the Roman Catholic priesthood. He has described himself as "an old-fashioned Catholic," and has made speeches opposing abortion access, the use of contraceptives, and equal treatement and rights for homosexuals and lesbians as heterosexuals receive. Gibson experienced a spiritual crisis in the mid-1990s at the age of thirty-five. He told The New Yorker magazine: "I got to a desperate place ... And I just hit my knees. I had to use [Christ's] wounds to heal my wounds." During September 2002 he revealed that he no longer believed in the Roman Catholic Church as an institution, saying: "I agree with everyone who says the Vatican is a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Gibson was raised a Traditionalist Catholic. When asked about the Catholic doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, Gibson replied: "There is no salvation for those outside the Church ... I believe it. Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She's a much better person than I am. Honestly. She's ... Episcopalian, Church of England. She prays, she believes in God, she knows Jesus, she believes in that stuff. And it's just not fair if she doesn't make it, she's better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair. I go with it." When he was asked whether John 14: 6 is an intolerant position, he said that "through the merits of Jesus' sacrifice ... even people who don't know Jesus are able to be saved, but through Him." Acquaintance Father William Fulco has said that Gibson denies neither the Pope nor Vatican II. Gibson told Diane Sawyer that he believes non-Catholics and non-Christians can go to heaven.

Gibson's traditionalist Catholic beliefs have been the target of criticism, especially during the controversy over his film The Passion of the Christ. Gibson stated in the Diane Sawyer interview that he feels that his "human rights were violated" by the often vitriolic attacks on his person, his family, and his religious beliefs which were sparked by The Passion.

In a July 1995 interview with Playboy magazine, Gibson said President Bill Clinton was a "low-level opportunist" and someone was "telling him what to do." He said that the Rhodes Scholarship was established for young men and women who want to strive for a "new world order" and this was a campaign for Marxism. Gibson later backed away from such conspiracy theories saying: "It was like: 'Hey, tell us a conspiracy' ... so I laid out this thing, and suddenly, it was like I was talking the gospel truth, espousing all this political shit like I believed in it." In the same 1995 Playboy interview, Gibson argued that men and women are unequal as a reason against women priests.

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) accused Gibson of homophobia after a December 1991 interview in the Spanish newspaper El País. Gibson later defended his comments and rejected calls to apologise. However, Gibson joined GLAAD in hosting ten lesbian and homosexual film-makers for an on-location seminar on the set of the movie Conspiracy Theory in January 1997. In 1999, when asked about the comments to El País, Gibson said: "I shouldn't have said it, but I was tickling a bit of vodka during that interview, and the quote came back to bite me on the ass."

On 8 July 2010, Gibson was alleged to have made a racial slur against Latinos using the term "wetbacks" as he suggested turning in one of his employees to immigration authorities. On 9 July 2010, some audio recordings alleged to be of Gibson were posted on the internet. The same day Gibson was dropped by his agency, William Morris Endeavor.

Mel Gibson lives in the parish served by the Roman Catholic church Our Lady of Malibu, but has funded the construction of his own traditionalist, autocephalous The Church of the Holy Family in the same area where Mass is the Old Rite and conducted in Latin. His church is not affiliated with any Roman Catholic diocese.

In the interview he said: "I believe in God. My love of religion was given to me by my father." Mel Gibson shares many beliefs with his father, Hutton Gibson who "is an outspoken critic of the Catholic Church and a vocal adherent of the sedevacantist movement, so-called from the Latin phrase meaning 'empty seat'." The group forms part of the Catholic Traditionalist movement which has a membership of several thousand adherents. Sedevacantists deviate from the Roman Catholic Church in some fundamental ways. They believe:

That the office of pope in the Roman Catholic Church is currently vacant.

That every pope since Pius XII has been spurious.

Many of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962 to 1965) are heretical.

The Mass is to be conducted in Latin and the Old (Tridentine) Rite should be used.

The Virgin Mary is regarded as a co-redemptrix and mediatrix, sharing these powers with Jesus Christ.

I am sympathetic to much of the above, bar the last concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary. The concept of co-redemptrix refers to an indirect (or unequal) but important participation by the Blessed Virgin Mary in redemption. Popes began to mention the concept of co-redemptrix in official Church documents in the very early part of the 20th century, and continued to do so throughout that century. The dogmatic definition of co-redemptrix was brought up at Vatican II by Italian, Spanish and Polish bishops but not dealt with on the council floor. Subsequently, popes, while sympathetic to requests from the faithful and bishops, did not include such language in their encyclicals. A dogmatic definition proposal is not supported by all Catholics, myself included, partly based on the argument that such a dogma might limit the redemptive role of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and partly based on the argument that it would also complicate ecumenical efforts for a better understanding of the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the salvation mystery of Jesus Christ. Although Mary has been referred to on numerous occasions as co-redemptrix, mediatrix, and advocate, none have the force of an infallible papal declaration. 

Mel Gibson met Robyn Denise Moore in the late 1970s when they were both tenants at a house in Adelaide. Robyn was a dental nurse and Mel Gibson was an unknown actor working for the South Australian Theatre Company. On 7 June 1980, they were married in a Catholic Church in Forestville, New South Wales. The couple have one daughter and six sons. Their seven children are Hannah (born 1980), twins Edward and Christian (born 1982), William (born 1985), Louis (born 1988), Milo (born 1990), and Thomas (born 1999).

After twenty-six years of marriage, the couple separated in August 2006. Nearly three years after the separation was announced, Robyn Gibson filed for divorce on 13 April 2009, citing irreconcilable differences. In a joint statement, the Gibsons declared: "Throughout our marriage and separation we have always strived to maintain the privacy and integrity of our family and will continue to do so." The divorce filing followed the March 2009 release of photographs appearing to show him on a beach embracing another woman.

On 28 April 2009, the woman in the photographs was revealed to be Oksana Grigorieva, a Russian pianist and an artist on Gibson's record label. Gibson and Grigorieva had been together for three years, at the time, and she was pregnant. Grigorieva gave birth to their daughter Lucia on 30 October 2009. In April 2010, it was made public that Gibson and Grigorieva had split amid claims of domestic violence during their relationship. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department launched a domestic violence investigation, and Gibson filed for a restraining order against Grigorieva after she had previously filed a restraining order against him to keep him away from her and their child. The restraining order was modified the next day regarding Gibson's contact with their child.

The July 2010 reports of voicemail recordings included alleged racist remarks, with Gibson using the word "niggers". Civil rights activists commented that Gibson had shown patterns of racism, sexism and anti-Semitism and called for a boycott of Gibson's movies. Back on 28 July 2006, Gibson had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol while speeding in his vehicle with an open container of alcohol. A leaked report revealed that during Gibson's arrest for driving under the influence he made anti-semitic remarks to arresting officer James Mee, who is a Jew, saying "Fucking Jews ... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson issued two apologies for the incident through his publicist, and in a later interview with Diane Sawyer, he affirmed the accuracy of the quotations. He admitted to making anti-semitic remarks during his arrest and apologised for his "despicable" behavior, saying the comments were "blurted out in a moment of insanity" and asked to meet with Jewish leaders to help him "discern the appropriate path for healing." After Gibson's arrest, his publicist said he had entered a recovery program to battle alcoholism. On 17 August 2006, he pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor drunken-driving charge and was sentenced to three years on probation. He was ordered to attend self-help meetings five times a week for four and a half months and three times a week for the remainder of the first year of his probation. He was also ordered to attend a First Offenders Program, was fined $1,300, and his licence was restricted for ninety days.

At a May 2007 progress hearing, Mel Gibson was praised for his compliance with the terms of his probation, his extensive participation in a self-help programme, beyond what was required.
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Salt movie review : So far FAIR

Friday, July 23, 2010 0 comments
Looking for Salt movie reviews because it's already out in big screen?

A bit of information about Salt movie:

Movie plot:

As a CIA officer, Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty, honor and country. Her loyalty will be tested when a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. Salt goes on the run, using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture. Salt’s efforts to prove her innocence only serve to cast doubt on her motives, as the hunt to uncover the truth behind her identity continues and the question remains: “Who is Salt?” Source:


    Angelina Jolie    ...     Evelyn Salt

    Liev Schreiber    ...     Ted Winter

    Chiwetel Ejiofor    ...     Peabody
    Daniel Olbrychski    ...     Orlov
    August Diehl    ...     Mike Krause

    Daniel Pearce    ...     Young Orlov
    Hunt Block    ...     U.S. President Lewis

    Andre Braugher    ...     Secretary of Defense

    Olek Krupa    ...     Russian President Matveyev

    Cassidy Hinkle    ...     12-Year-Old Chenkov
    Corey Stoll    ...     Shnaider
    Vladislav Koulikov    ...     Chenkov's Father
    Olya Zueva    ...     Chenkov's Mother

    Kevin O'Donnell    ...     Young CIA Officer

More at
---- UPDATE 1 ----

Here are some Salt movie reviews from

  • Salt is essentially the same movie as The A Team, [except] you don't feel quite as stupid afterwards for having watched it. 
  • It's pretty much all chase flick and very little exposition. The problem is the film becomes SO far-fetched, you can't possibly turn your brain off and buy into its dizzying pace and twisting, turning storyline. (Parental Review also Available)
  • We need a reason to root for the hero. 'That's whose name is in the title' doesn't cut it.
  • Devoid of thrills, excitement and cleverness, despite an abundance of slick action sequences and Angelina Jolie's sizzling physique---errr---performance. For more bang for your buck, go watch Inception instead.

As for the information about Salt movie you can check this site.

Salt Online Free

If you're still undecided to watch Salt movie and wanted to read for review first, you can check it here:

Watch the Salt movie trailer below.

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Salt movie review : So far FAIR

Looking for Salt movie reviews because it's already out in big screen?

A bit of information about Salt movie:

Movie plot:

As a CIA officer, Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty, honor and country. Her loyalty will be tested when a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. Salt goes on the run, using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture. Salt’s efforts to prove her innocence only serve to cast doubt on her motives, as the hunt to uncover the truth behind her identity continues and the question remains: “Who is Salt?” Source:


    Angelina Jolie    ...     Evelyn Salt

    Liev Schreiber    ...     Ted Winter

    Chiwetel Ejiofor    ...     Peabody
    Daniel Olbrychski    ...     Orlov
    August Diehl    ...     Mike Krause

    Daniel Pearce    ...     Young Orlov
    Hunt Block    ...     U.S. President Lewis

    Andre Braugher    ...     Secretary of Defense

    Olek Krupa    ...     Russian President Matveyev

    Cassidy Hinkle    ...     12-Year-Old Chenkov
    Corey Stoll    ...     Shnaider
    Vladislav Koulikov    ...     Chenkov's Father
    Olya Zueva    ...     Chenkov's Mother

    Kevin O'Donnell    ...     Young CIA Officer

More at
---- UPDATE 1 ----

Here are some Salt movie reviews from

  • Salt is essentially the same movie as The A Team, [except] you don't feel quite as stupid afterwards for having watched it. 
  • It's pretty much all chase flick and very little exposition. The problem is the film becomes SO far-fetched, you can't possibly turn your brain off and buy into its dizzying pace and twisting, turning storyline. (Parental Review also Available)
  • We need a reason to root for the hero. 'That's whose name is in the title' doesn't cut it.
  • Devoid of thrills, excitement and cleverness, despite an abundance of slick action sequences and Angelina Jolie's sizzling physique---errr---performance. For more bang for your buck, go watch Inception instead.

As for the information about Salt movie you can check this site.

Salt Online Free

If you're still undecided to watch Salt movie and wanted to read for review first, you can check it here:

Watch the Salt movie trailer below.

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Jessi Slaughter bullied appears in Good morning America

Thursday, July 22, 2010 0 comments
4chan is family oriented was posted on the site after the site was featured in Good Morning America. GMA, interviewed Jessi Slaughter and her family on their special segment. [Watch the video embedded below.] 

Jessi Slaughter the 11-year old girl who received cyberbullying and appeared in Good Morning America for an interview. She wouldn't have gotten this far if in the first place behaves herself as she should be. According to comments, Jessi gave details "in which she describes her sexual activity or how much she has claimed to love having s*& on her blogs." Exact phrase.

There was also a video of her chatting online and said “I don’t care, any type of fame I’ll take”. The video came out after the alleged video"emotional breakdown" was out. Check links provided. What were Jessi's thinking? Is she or her family is just after for fame? Sounds like it., users' activities is known to work in anonymous. The site is an image board wherein users post a picture while other comment on.

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Jessi Slaughter bullied appears in Good morning America

4chan is family oriented was posted on the site after the site was featured in Good Morning America. GMA, interviewed Jessi Slaughter and her family on their special segment. [Watch the video embedded below.] 

Jessi Slaughter the 11-year old girl who received cyberbullying and appeared in Good Morning America for an interview. She wouldn't have gotten this far if in the first place behaves herself as she should be. According to comments, Jessi gave details "in which she describes her sexual activity or how much she has claimed to love having s*& on her blogs." Exact phrase.

There was also a video of her chatting online and said “I don’t care, any type of fame I’ll take”. The video came out after the alleged video"emotional breakdown" was out. Check links provided. What were Jessi's thinking? Is she or her family is just after for fame? Sounds like it., users' activities is known to work in anonymous. The site is an image board wherein users post a picture while other comment on.

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Youtube 3 Days - Lifeinaday

As of this writing, Youtube 3 days logo is down to two.  Means we only have two days to go.

Youtube 3 days? Still looking what Youtube is really up to? Just click the logo and you will be forwarded to a certain Youtube channel Life In a day.

Life in a day, a historic experiment by Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald together with the Youtube community. 

Life In A Day is a historic global experiment to create a user-generated feature film shot in a single day. On July 24, you have 24 hours to capture a glimpse of your life on camera. The most compelling and distinctive footage will be edited into a feature film, produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald.

So, are you gonna join? I also wanted to document my day that's I'm thinking of joining it, who knows I'll be considered and get featured.
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Youtube 3 Days - Lifeinaday

As of this writing, Youtube 3 days logo is down to two.  Means we only have two days to go.

Youtube 3 days? Still looking what Youtube is really up to? Just click the logo and you will be forwarded to a certain Youtube channel Life In a day.

Life in a day, a historic experiment by Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald together with the Youtube community. 

Life In A Day is a historic global experiment to create a user-generated feature film shot in a single day. On July 24, you have 24 hours to capture a glimpse of your life on camera. The most compelling and distinctive footage will be edited into a feature film, produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald.

So, are you gonna join? I also wanted to document my day that's I'm thinking of joining it, who knows I'll be considered and get featured.
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How true that Justin Bieber converts to Scientology

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 0 comments
Yet another rumor to Justin Bieber :). Let's consider this rumor somehow positive. Not really attacking the teen pop superstar.

Are people attacking Justin Bieber ran out of ideas? Maybe, The Justin Bieber Converts to Scientology is already flooding Google with volume of searches. Maybe members of Scientology are also confirming the truths and of course the Bieber fever.

If Justin Bieber converted to Scientology, that would be great at least we'll see him sometime go along with Tom Cruise.

The rumor today is really astonishing because it didn’t attack Justin Bieber negatively.

I'm just wondering who invited Justin Bieber to join Scientology. Related to this story from, Katie Holmes, wife of Cruise also invited her former fiancée to join the said religion
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How true that Justin Bieber converts to Scientology

Yet another rumor to Justin Bieber :). Let's consider this rumor somehow positive. Not really attacking the teen pop superstar.

Are people attacking Justin Bieber ran out of ideas? Maybe, The Justin Bieber Converts to Scientology is already flooding Google with volume of searches. Maybe members of Scientology are also confirming the truths and of course the Bieber fever.

If Justin Bieber converted to Scientology, that would be great at least we'll see him sometime go along with Tom Cruise.

The rumor today is really astonishing because it didn’t attack Justin Bieber negatively.

I'm just wondering who invited Justin Bieber to join Scientology. Related to this story from, Katie Holmes, wife of Cruise also invited her former fiancée to join the said religion
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Blogger Stats

Innovation, add-ons, latest features or whatever you call them that's still cool for me. Statistics is always been a part of our life, from our day to day activities, tv to radio and now to Internet.

Statistics, as defined from - The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling.
From a site owner's point of view, we need to monitor our visits statistics to simply identify our sources of traffic like keywords, country, referring sites, operating system and browsers and many more. For more about this, you may search "importance of web stats".

Image 1 : Dashboard
I'm not really going to discuss importance of web stats but how I came up with this post. The latest feature I've seen at Blogger in Draft last night caught my attention.

From my Dashboard, I saw the "Stats" at the rightmost of my blog. Checked out immediately and displayed with Stats overview (Image 2).

Image 2 : Stats Overview

See images embedded below :

Image 3 : Posts and Pages Stats
Image 4 Traffic Sources

Image 5 : Audience

From the Audience stats, I didn't know that I actually have a visitor using a PlayStation Portable, PLAYSTATION 3 and iPod. That was cool.

Now comparing it to WP Stats, I don't think they have difference at all because both will give us the same information. For now, I like Blogger's Stats.

Check also Blogger in Draft blog or click here to know more about this latest feature.
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Blogger Stats

Innovation, add-ons, latest features or whatever you call them that's still cool for me. Statistics is always been a part of our life, from our day to day activities, tv to radio and now to Internet.

Statistics, as defined from - The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling.
From a site owner's point of view, we need to monitor our visits statistics to simply identify our sources of traffic like keywords, country, referring sites, operating system and browsers and many more. For more about this, you may search "importance of web stats".

Image 1 : Dashboard
I'm not really going to discuss importance of web stats but how I came up with this post. The latest feature I've seen at Blogger in Draft last night caught my attention.

From my Dashboard, I saw the "Stats" at the rightmost of my blog. Checked out immediately and displayed with Stats overview (Image 2).

Image 2 : Stats Overview

See images embedded below :

Image 3 : Posts and Pages Stats
Image 4 Traffic Sources

Image 5 : Audience

From the Audience stats, I didn't know that I actually have a visitor using a PlayStation Portable, PLAYSTATION 3 and iPod. That was cool.

Now comparing it to WP Stats, I don't think they have difference at all because both will give us the same information. For now, I like Blogger's Stats.

Check also Blogger in Draft blog or click here to know more about this latest feature.
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